
I am doing this blog so we can keep everyone updated about Susan. I know there are people all over the world who love her and are praying for her. She and the family thank you for all your prayers. Our hope is in our Lord. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

You can leave messages for her on this blog and when she is feeling better she will be able to read them. We are telling her each day the people who are praying for and calling.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Susan wrote today from hospital

very grateful not to be stuck in a hospital in northwest china. I'm holding my own, thank for your continued prayers


  1. So good to see your face, Susan, and to know you're in the wonderful care of good doctors, your loving family, and our powerful God!

    Kimbers are praying and praying--and we've got a whole team of folks doing the same out here in So Cal.

    We love you!

  2. So GREAT to hear from the actual Susan. We love you gal - keep on with the fight! We are fighting with you. We care so much!

  3. Good to "see you". There are so many people praying for you... didn't know you were so Popular did you? haha... Hang in there.. Keep fighting.. love you much!

  4. Glad you made it to the hospital in Dayton. I have always said if I get sick, don't take me to the hospital in a foreign country, take me to the airport instead.
    We are praying for you. Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!

  5. Good to see your face. Keep fighting the fight. We will keep praying for you. Hope you are feeling better.

  6. I was so happy to see your face! Prostrating, prostrating before the Lord for you, our third muskateer! Keep fighting ... our God is more than able. You are so loved. My mom wanted you to know that she too is praying for you with all her heart. Love you, Patsy

  7. So glad to see your face and hear a few words from you, Susan. I've not prayed so much in my life (except for mom) and will continue to do so. For once it seems as though the tables have turned- you're in a hospital bed and I'm not. As terrorized as I am being a patient I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat if only I could. Miss you and love you tons.

  8. We are so glad you are home with the best care possible. We are still praying for you.

  9. Susan,
    Am so glad to "see you" and that you are somewhere you can be close to your family and receive excellent care. I would imagine that with all of the people you know throughout the world, that you are lifted in prayer 24/7. May you be feeling the love!

  10. Hey Susan...it's so good to see your smile again. You are so loved and covered with prayer. Rest in Him. Love you! ~ Debbie

  11. Dear Susan.

    Great to see your smiling face. I'm praying for you as well as others from my network of clubs. I know you're going to fight this in His strength. Glad you're with family, friends and good healthcare.

    Your XJ friend,
    Nancy =)

  12. I will picture you as I pray, picturing Jesus holding you and the Holy Spirit washing over and all through you with his cleansing healing presence.

  13. Gayle and I are praying daily for you, sister! You know we love you very much. Let us know when you feel like company. If you or the family needs anything, just call. Love ya! Dalynn

  14. My dear friend Susan,
    How good to see your face...and know you are in good hands in a good hospital with loving friends and family surrounding you. And those of us who can't be there with you in person are there with you in spirit. So many are praying and trusting the Lord for your complete healing. May you feel His presence and grace as never before! Love you, Esther (and family)

  15. Georgia and I pray for your healing daily. Nothing else we say or do will help any more than that. It is obviously many people know and care about you and are praying.

    Dennis & Georgia Miller
    Milwaukie, Oregon

  16. Hey pal. Still enjoying looking at your smiling face. Anxiously waiting for an update for today. Praying and trusting the Lord will take care of your most important needs. Love you. Rhonda

  17. The Crossing Singles are praying for you.

  18. Continuing Prayer for you!!
    Exodus 3:7 (Detwiler paraphrase)
    "Jesus has seen your misery, heard your
    crying and is concerned about your suffering"

    Praying he will touch you stat!!

  19. Dear Susan,

    We love you and are praying. The Lord is surely with you. Yours in Jesus,

    Peter & Elizabeth in NZ

  20. Thanks Debbie for keeping us updated. Praying for the whole family. God cares about each of us. Love
