
I am doing this blog so we can keep everyone updated about Susan. I know there are people all over the world who love her and are praying for her. She and the family thank you for all your prayers. Our hope is in our Lord. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

You can leave messages for her on this blog and when she is feeling better she will be able to read them. We are telling her each day the people who are praying for and calling.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thought I would give an update though really not much to write. I have chemo again on Wednesday. I'm hoping it will blast those little alien invaders to smitherines and leave the good cells alone. I've had less trouble with nausea this week, have had no side effects from chemo that I can tell. Basically my lingering side effect, from radiation, is lack of energy. I'm very very weak but otherwise feeling okay. I have friends who come from Indiana weekly to anoint me and pray for me for chemo. Amazing, eh?! I'm looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with family. God is good!! I have much for which to be thankful!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Susan! Love that fighting spirit! Know that you're beloved and much prayed for. So glad that you'll be home to enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and friends! Will share your praise and progress report with those here in Atlanta who are agreeing with us in prayer.

    Terri M.
