
I am doing this blog so we can keep everyone updated about Susan. I know there are people all over the world who love her and are praying for her. She and the family thank you for all your prayers. Our hope is in our Lord. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

You can leave messages for her on this blog and when she is feeling better she will be able to read them. We are telling her each day the people who are praying for and calling.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

It's Wednesday. I got home from the hospital Saturday night. It's great to be home and having family take care of me. I have a bit more energy everyday. I had a bad day with nausea two days ago but got some meds that are helping. Keep praying. I want to be done with this and get back to my life in Asia. A few weeks aga that didn't see possible and still might not be but I have lots more hope. God is the great healer.


  1. You can rest assured that so many are praying for you, Susan! Christ is the only HOPE and He is right there beside you. Thinking of you and praying for you each and every day! Was so happy to see your post! Keep on getting stronger!

    Love you! Molly

  2. Wow, such a happy thing to read a message from you, Susan. We are continuing to ask God for healing for you!

    Much love.

  3. Happy Wednesday Susan!! So good to hear from you... Glad to know that Hope is being restored!! God is good...all the time.. prayers will continue!!!!

  4. You grab onto that hope and hang on tight!!! So good to see your own post. Let me know when you feel up to homemade cinnamon rolls! love you sweetie.

  5. What a thrill to read YOUR words on your blog. Am walking with you in prayer and love. A calm stomach and renewed hope is the focus of my prayers for you! Just focus on only the next step. I am so thankful that God is by your side tonight.

  6. What a joy to see your own message posted. God is walking beside you every day. Keep getting stronger each day. I am praying God will strengthen you and give you hope. I want you to know you are in my prayers daily. God Bless You Susan.

  7. Could we possibly schedule a 1/2 hr. with you either Sat. Nov. 28 or Sun. Nov. 29th? We are coming east for Thanksgiving for a lot of reasons and would love to see you if possible! God bless!

  8. So good to "hear" from you directly, Susan. God IS the great healer, and I am glad you feel His hand on you. Praying for you every day.

  9. How wonderful to hear from you, Susan! We too are hopeful and prayerfully holding you up many times throughout the day. GOD IS FAITHFUL! Much love from the Kants

  10. Hi my sister - Keep on keeping on!! Praying for renew strength and healing daily. Much love to you. Patsy,my mom, and family
