
I am doing this blog so we can keep everyone updated about Susan. I know there are people all over the world who love her and are praying for her. She and the family thank you for all your prayers. Our hope is in our Lord. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

You can leave messages for her on this blog and when she is feeling better she will be able to read them. We are telling her each day the people who are praying for and calling.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome Home SESE

Today at 5:10 Sese went to be with Jesus. Her family was by her side & we were singing her favorite hymns as she went home. She was at peace and is no longer suffering or in any pain. Thank you all for your love & support over the past few months. We will update everyone on funeral arrangements as soon as we know the details.


  1. Susan,

    YOU'RE HOME!!! A race well won!

    To Debbie and the whole family, my prayers continue for you all. Thank you for walking Susan home. Our hearts have walked with you from a distance.


  2. Debbie and family...my thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray for God's grace to be with you at this time. It's always hard to be left behind, but what tremendous joy to know Susan is face to face with Jesus. What a welcome she must be receiving! Blessings.

  3. Dear family - blessings to you. I know that last walk is a hard one, even though you want the suffering to end. You are being lifted up in prayer. I know there is a celebration right now in heaven for a faithful having come home. Much love to you all. Thank your for your love for Susan & for allowing those of us at a distance to be part of this walk.

  4. Dear Debbie and family,
    We're praying for you all right now. We now this is a hard time, but what a great hope we have! Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us, I'm so grateful we were able to be a part of this from a distance. Susan will always be someone really special to us.

  5. Susan,

    You're in heaven.Enter his gates with thanksgiving in your heart.

    Debbie and family, continued prayers for all of you.Thank you for taking care of Susan what a joy knowing Susan is with Jesus.

  6. To the Hardman Family-
    Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. Susan is finally HOME!!! We pray, cry, laugh and rejoice with you. Love you.

  7. Susan has seen Jesus now! Wow... I know she is loving this new journey of her life.

    Marty and I were sad of the news, but we know it's just the beginning for Susan.

    I echo the same posts... Gary, Debbie, Edna, Larry, Judy, David, Joel, Leah, and Ben... how wonderful your rallying around her has been! You personify what family is all about. We will keep praying for all of you with Susan's loss in your lives here on earth. We love all of you and please know each of you are on our hearts and in our prayers.

    Much Love, Molly & Marty

  8. Good bye Susan. What a full life you have had! What a great family to have spent your last days and hours with.

    To Susan's family. Condolences on your loss and pain that you feel or will fill for a long time as you miss Susan.

    Dennis Miller

  9. Dear Dear Hardman Family, How heaven must be rejoicing right now. But what a loss for your family on this earth. Dave and I send hugs and prayers as you mourn her loss and rejoice in her resting place. Luke 18:29-30, "I tell you the truth," Jesus said to them, "no one who has left home or wife or brothers or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life." What an angel of light Susan has been!

  10. I rejoice that Susan is at peace.

    Edna and family ... you personify the love of Jesus. I love you all. See you soon.


  11. It was my privilege to be with your family just a few minutes after Susan passed through the beautiful gate. What a precious, loving family she had ministering to her, loving her and lifting her with holy hands into the embrace of our Heavenly Father. Well done, Susan. Well done, Hardman family. Your home tonight was a holy place. The presence of Christ was real to me as we prayed together.
    Bob Moss

  12. "To live is Christ, and to die is gain."
    Susan has gained all now.

    I've known Susan for almost 30 years, and she has constantly been a source of encouragement to me, as she has to so many others. She is now part of the great cloud of witnesses who are cheering for us who are still down here.

    Debbie and family, our prayers are with you. My wife's dad just passed away the day after Christmas, so we have an idea of what you all are going through in missing Susan. May the Lord give you his peace and comfort.

  13. How blessed Susan was to have a loving Savior, family, and friends - we cannot ask for more.

    We'll meet again Susan . . . keep the light on for the rest of us.

    Rick and Jeri Kemmer

  14. Praise the Lord!! Susan is Home and rejoicing with Jesus and her many friends, who went before her. Praying for her earthly family as you celebrat her Home going. Thanks for allowing us to share in her home going. Blessing to all of you, will be lifting you up in the days ahead, as we continue on our journey to join her once again. Love

  15. I'm still praying ... much peace to all of you. Step by step ... let us keep lifting you all up as you continue walking in faith and trust ... even while tears are falling. Many blessings.

  16. We applaud Susan from afar, knowing that she is with our Jesus. A life well lived, a race well run, a faith well kept . . . and now she rests from her labors.

    Sending sincere condolences from entire Kimber family in Southern California. Like so many around the world, we loved your dear Susan.

  17. All the angles are celebrating today. One of them who walked on earth has come home.

    Thank you Hardman family for allowing us to be a part of this with you. Your faith and devotion is such an inspiration. Continuing to pray for all of you.

  18. Thank you so much Hardman family for your updates to us. My heart has been with you all during the last few day and nights. In the early mornings I would wake up with Susan on my heart and begin praying for her and you. The battle is won! Death is swallowed up in defeat ... she is with Jesus!

  19. I'm sorry to learn of Susan's passing, but like the rest of us know that she is better off. I was blessed to enjoy some time with Susan in 1991 in NW China, when we lived at the same school. She was a good cook and she impressed me with her fortitude. Thank you Hardman family for who you are and for all that you did for Susan.
