
I am doing this blog so we can keep everyone updated about Susan. I know there are people all over the world who love her and are praying for her. She and the family thank you for all your prayers. Our hope is in our Lord. Please continue to keep her in your prayers.

You can leave messages for her on this blog and when she is feeling better she will be able to read them. We are telling her each day the people who are praying for and calling.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's been three days since chemo. It's been a bit up and down with nausea and head pain. I saw the oncologist yesterday and he changed up my meds a bit to see if that would help. There is a place on the back of my head that has been painful. I think it's probably a lesion on my brain. So, I'm asking that you join me in prayer that the lesion would go away. That would probably also help with the nausea. Actually the lesions that have also grown on my liver, lungs and kidneys. Those need to go away as well. I'm asking this of the Great Physician. God is my all in all. May God be glorified.


  1. Oh, my friend, I don't like this info. I will pray frequently everyday for exactly what you request. Please don't suffer needlessly. Call the oncologist for different medications if these don't help. There are lots of drugs for both! Miss you and love you lots. Rhonda

  2. Susan, I will pray for these specific requests. Your attitude and sweet heart is an inspiration and a tribute to our LORD.

    Thinking about you each and every day and praying!

    You are so loved!


  3. Praying specifically for your request, Susan. Thank you for continuing to teach us through these moments. You glorify God daily.

  4. God, please, we're begging You: remove those lesions! You still heal; we believe that. And we're asking for that for our dear Susan. Amen.

  5. Susan,
    We are praying with you that the lesions will disappear along with the headaches and nausea. Be encouraged! Many, many are praying for you!
    One passage of Scripture that has brought me through some difficult times is: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by name. YOU ARE MINE!...." (Jer. 43:1-3) You are in the Lord's hands...the absolute best place to be! Thanks for the inspiration that you are to all of us! Love you, Esther

  6. Susan - On the days you don't feel strong, please know there is a mighty army out there who is strong for you, constantly bringing you before our great God, asking that the power of the Resurrection flow in you and through you. He knows your name my sister. Patsy

  7. Susan--Although you do not hear from me often, be assured I am praying for you daily. The people at Middleburg Church of God is getting to know you and also praying for your healing. You are my inspiration. I pray for your comfort and peace.

    Caroline (Punda)

  8. Dear Susan,
    My prayers for you will not stop, so as my love and thinking of you.
    When I pray for you, I rememeber the story of the footprints. The Lord who has made you will carry you whenever, wherever and whatever.
    With love, Lisa
